Tag Archives: recycle

Pepsi – Reduce, Refresh, Recycle! (part 2)

Here is an attention-grabbing recycling container located in Mystic Seaport, CT, USA!

The familiar Pepsi logo rotates. It's like a plastic circle of life.

The great photos (above and below) are kindly provided by Rusty Clark from Flickr. Noticeably, the Pepsi logo is actually rotated to help emphasize the idea of recycling along with the green surrounding arrows.  Making it black helps point out that it is actually a recycling container. Perhaps, if it was coloured blue (the colour of some recycling boxes) it may be mistaken as simply a giant promotional ornament. Black is also used for garbage bags so this would connect to the notion of disposing something.

Giant bottle in historic area! Minds will be blown.

Rusty found this container near the exit of a restaurant/gallery at the historic seaport site, which include time period-specific objects and scenery. He makes note of the Pepsi recycling bin’s contrast in style to its location as he states, “it was funny that here we are ‘back in 1875 or so’ and there’s a larger than life plastic bottle in plain sight!” Notably, it stands out amongst the time period barrels surrounding it. Here, it seems that modern promotional tools can be found everywhere – no matter the time or place! Pepsi took advantage of the location to attract attention.

These could be effective in other outdoor attraction areas like concerts or amusement parks as well.


P.S. Please, check out the Can Concepts page to see a Pepsi recycling design I made last year. It’s a somewhat similar design to the recycling container. Take a look and compare.

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Filed under Food, Pop Soda Can Collection

Pepsi – Reduce, Refresh, Recycle! (part 1)

Recently, PepsiCo Canada took a step towards helping the environment with the introduction of the 7up EcoGreen bottle; which is “Canada’s – and North America’s – first soft drink bottle made from 100% recycled PET plastic.

(PET = polyethylene terephthalate; just say PET – it’s easier!)

It should be recognized that creating a bottle made from 100% recycled plastic is more challenging for soft drinks than for non-carbonated beverages because of the stress on materials from carbonation pressure (newswire.ca). But by making use of existing technologies, resources for recycled PET plastic and efficient processing, PepsiCo Canada made it happen.

It is interesting that the new EcoGreen bottle is exclusively offered for 7up and Diet 7up for now.  Perhaps, the title of ‘EcoGreen’ along with the notion of ‘going green’, which is connected to recycling, fits well with the appearance of 7up’s existing packaging. With Pepsi being the company’s main brand (and Mountain Dew also using green), I contacted PepsiCo Canada to inquire about the new container being applied to other products. However, I was informed that “at this time, there are no plans to change the packaging of [PepsiCo Canada’s] other products.

EcoGreen...green bottle. Yeah, makes sense!

If high costs for the new manufacturing process limits the amount of products that get distributed in the EcoGreenbottles, then it is suitable that the container is created for the company’s “greenest” soft drink – 7up. It’s a good move for the environment and, maybe, if it proves to be very efficient, it can be applied to other brands in the future.



Filed under Food, Pop Soda Can Collection